Holiday Parties for Dogs that You’ve Never Thought of

HAPPY dog nog season MY FRIENDS

It's that time of year again! Holiday parties and get togethers galore, but have you thought about hosting a gathering for your dogs and their friends? There are so many ways to spread cheer and share the holiday spirit alongside your dog with their furry BFFs, neighbors, family and friends. I've 'dished up' some of my secret sauce all about these different holiday party ideas, you won't want to miss digging into this…

Here are my Top Holiday Party Ideas for you to host this year:

Furry Friendsgiving

Unleash the holiday cheer with a friendly gathering of wagging tails and furry best friends — where pup pals feast on festive treats and tail-wagging toy! A few of my go to items for this type of holiday gathering would be Pupkin Pies, Bone Broth “ Apple Cider” and Turkey Paw Print Paintings. How fun does this all sound? You can even gather all the pups around the table and snap a fun memory-making Friendsgiving photo! I love this holiday party idea so much.

Ugly Sweater Pawty

Deck the paws with an Ugly Sweater Paw-ty, fa la la la la — a bark-tactic celebration of fashion and playful holiday fun! Get in the spirit and match with your pup, how fun does that sound?! This gathering is sure to be a cozy one filled with Dog-nog, Puppermint Patties and the most festive Photo Backdrop. Fun, laughter and holiday memories that’ll last furever!

“Cookie” Exchange

Indulge in a pup-tactic twist on an old classic gift exchange — where your furry companions get in on the sweet holiday action by gifting their absolute favorite treats! These could be your go to bag of biscuits, a holiday treat set, decorated dog cookies and so much more. A good tip when hosting a gathering like this is to do an allergy/intolerance questionnaire to ensure the pup your exchanging with can enjoy those delectable goodies! Gather everyones email address and make either a quick Google Doc or questionnaire.

White Dog Gift Swap

Turn your holiday gathering into a tail-wagging affair with this fun gift swap! Just like the classic White Elephant, but with a furry twist. Watch as furry friends exchange surprises, creating moments of laughter and joy that will be cherished long after the festivities. My secret sauce for this type of holiday get-together would be to create a gift price limit, create a fun theme around the gifting and have some refreshments for both the pups and their humans! A fun activity to keep the festivities going would be a dog treat & cookie decorating table — fun for everyone!

Secret Santa

Ignite the howliday spirit with a secret toy exchange for your furry pals! Each pup gets a chance to unwrap a special toy; it’s a playful way to let your pets experience the joy of giving and receiving during the festive season. Set up the ultimutt Pup Cup Bar with all the dog-friendly toppings such as unsweetened shredded coconut, carob chips, mini dog bones and crumbled green/red dog-safe cake or soft dog biscuits. It’s a sweet treat to share with the sweetest of friends!

Hanukkah Paw-ty (lets get lit)

Illuminate the holiday season with this special gathering! This celebration is designed for our furry friends, featuring delicious treats, and the warmth of shared moments. Let your dogs join in the festivities by creating a dog-friendly version of the dreidel game using pet-safe toys or treats as the spinning tops! Have an array of Hanukkah-themed toys from BARK and a dog treat buffet of Hanukkah staples such as menorahs, dreidels and Stars of David. Remember to prioritize the safety and comfort of the dogs throughout these fun festivities. A holiday gathering like no other!

New Year Ball Drop

Count down to a paw-some New Year with a NY Ball Drop designed especially for our doggos! Watch as dogs have a '‘ball’ playing in the ball pit full of tennis balls or taking silly photos in some festive party hats. Create a festive atmosphere as you welcome the arrival of a fresh and exciting new year. At NOON have the ball drop activity where it’s literally raining tennis balls - oh what fun!

The holidays are just such a magical time! And don't all of these sound like an absolute blast? If any of you invited me to one of these I'd clear my calendar in a jiffy. There are just so many ways you can make these gatherings super special and unique. Need some help planning it? Book a call and we'll get it planned in less than an hour with an emailed plan of attack and a shopping list to bring it all to life! 


Santa hats, Christmas trees and Reindeer, OH MY!


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